Understory at The Spheres
Experience Design // Interactive Design
The Spheres offer Amazon employees an unique work environment that is more rainforest than office. To provide context and insight for this groundbreaking building, and it's botanical inhabitants, Amazon established a visitor center, called Understory.
At a central media installation, visitors experience stunning macro footage of the world-class plant collection upstairs, and get a glimpse of the unique architectural gestures that define the space. A generative soundscape pairs with the footage to enhance the experience. In addition, four small pools of light define interpretive zones, which offer spoken descriptions of the plants on view through directional audio as visitors step into them.
Five modular exhibits surround the media installation, delivering information about Amazon, The Spheres, and the world-class plant collection within. Each section features an interactive experience that explores topics relevant to that section through a playful interface, encouraging further discovery.
Project Team
Gabe Kean, Sarah Trueblood, Thomas Ryun, Edward Tang, Eric Harvey, Edrea Lita, Natalie Karbelnig, Scott Thiessen, Jesse Solomon Clark, Siarhei Bokach
Additional Project Credits
Graham Baba Architects, Studio Matthews, Jill Randerson Exhibit Management, The Radisch, Co., John Jeffcoat, Lisa Farnham, Doug Hostetter, Kelsey Graves, Andrew Salviejo, YCD Multimedia, Dillon Works, Whitlock, Arup, Niteo
Created at Belle & Wissell, Co.